My American Chemical Society Story

My first exposure to ACS was in high school when, along with other students who sat for a chemistry competition exam, I was invited to attend a meeting of the Rochester Local Section. I earned a BS degree from an ACS-approved chemistry department. During the summer before graduate school, an ACS Division of Analytical Chemistry Summer Internship provided me with the opportunity to participate in industrial research. For my final year of doctoral studies, I received an ACS Division of Analytical Chemistry Graduate Fellowship. A grant from the ACS Petroleum Research Fund allowed me to explore a new research direction, which led to subsequent funding from the National Science Foundation and contributed to the development of the vibrant interdisciplinary research program in aerogel materials that I co-direct today. And, through taking on ACS service roles within the Eastern New York Section and on national committees, advisory boards, task forces and working groups, I’ve had opportunities to develop my teamwork and leadership skills, working with and being mentored by other dedicated colleagues from diverse backgrounds while giving back to the community.

I firmly believe in ‘paying it forward.’